Places where MP officers measure the speed
Up-to-date map with highlighted areas of speed measuring can be found here
Places where MP officers measure the speed
01. Prague 1, Dvořákovo nábřeží, sector: from intersection with Nové Mlýny (incl.) to entrance to the Curieových Square
02. Prague 1, Jelení , Mariánské hradby, sector: from intersection with U Brusnice to intersection with Badeniho, Chotkova
03. Prague 2, Italská, sector: from intersection with Na Smetance to intersection with Lichnická
04. Prague 2, Sekaninova, sector: from intersection with Svatoplukova to entrance to the Ostrčilovo Square
05. Prague 2, Korunní, sector: from intersection with Šumavská to intersection with Kladská
06. Prague 2, Sokolská, sector: from intersection with Rumunská to entrance to the Fügnerovo Square
07. Prague 3, Olšanská, sector: between houses no. 9 and no. 3
08. Prague 3, Koněvova, sector: from house no. 211 to intersection with Na Vrcholu
09. Prague 3, Koněvova, sector: from house no. 198 to intersection with Na Chmelnici
10. Prague 3, Koněvova, sector: from house no. 238 to intersection with Spojovací
11. Prague 4, Vídeňská, sector: from intersection with Ružinovská to intersection with V Štíhlách
12. Prague 4, Vrbova, entire street
13. Prague 4, Na Chodovci, sector: from intersection with Měchenická to intersection with Ke Spořilovu
14. Prague 4, Jeremenkova, entire street
15. Prague 4, Zálesí, sector: from intersection with Vídeňská to intersection with Sulická
16. Prague 4, Podolské nábřeží, sector: between odbočkou k botelu Racek to intersection with Jeremenkova
17. Prague 5, Plzeňská, sector: between SVO no. 501 509 to intersection with U Kavalírky
18. Prague 5, Podbělohorská, sector: between domem no. 22 a domem no. 26
19. Prague 5, Na Zlíchově, sector: between domem no. 7 a domem no. 35
20. Prague 5, Radlická, sector: from intersection with Stará Stodůlecká to intersection with V Zářezu
21. Prague 16, K Cementárně (Pod Klapicí), sector: from intersection with Pod Velkým hájem to intersection with Prvomájová
22. Prague 16, E. Přemyslovny (Na Baních), sector: from intersection with Zvonařská to intersection with Faltysova
23. Prague 16, Radotínská, sector: between houses no. 18 and no. 69
24. Prague 16, Karlická, entire street
25. Prague 16. Zderazská, sector: from intersection with Otínská to intersection with Karlická
26. Prague 16, Výpadová, sector: from intersection with Přeštínská to intersection with Matějovského
27. Prague 6, Na Vypichu, entire street
28. Prague 6, Ruzyňská, entire street
29. Prague 6, Roztocká, entire street
30. Prague 6, Kamýcká, entire street
31. Prague 6, Nebušická, sector: from intersection with Na Malé Šárce to the Padlých Square
32. Prague 6, Vlastina, entire street
33. Prague 6, Suchdolská, entire street
34. Prague 6, K Tuchoměřicům, sector: between SVO no. 613318 and SVO no. 613297
35. Prague 6, Sušická, entire street
36. Prague 6, Ankarská, sector: between SVO no. 602188 and SVO no. 602210
37. Prague 7, Trojská, sector: from intersection with Pod Lisem to intersection with U Trojského zámku
38. Prague 7, Bubenské nábřeží, entire street
39. Prague 7, Ortenovo nám., sector: from intersection with Přívozní to inersection with Ortenovo Square, Vrbenského
40. Prague 7, Nábřeží Kapitána Jaroše, entire street
41. Prague 8, Žernosecká, sector: from intersection with Burešova to intersection with Famfulíkova
42. Prague 8, Spořická, sector: from intersection with Litická to intersection with V Kratinách
43. Prague 8, Čimická, sector: from intersection with Tišická to intersection with Mlazická
44. Prague 8, Čimická, sector: from intersection with K Ládví to intersection with Na Hranicích
45. Prague 9, Lovosická, sector: from house no. 711/30 to intersection with Zásadská
46. Prague 9, Českobrodská, sector: from intersection with Pod Táborem to intersection with V Mezivrší
47. Prague 9, Poděbradská, sector: between SVO no. 900 294 and SVO no. 900 298
48. Prague 9, Mladoboleslavská, sector: from intersection with Bratříkovská to intersection with Nymburská
49. Prague 9, Mladoboleslavská, sector: from intersection with Lohenická to intersection with Ke Mlýnku
50. Prague 18, Schoellerova, sector: from house no. 795/29 to intersection with Cukerní
51. Prague 19, K Cihelně, sector: from house no. 59/2 to intersection with Ostrá
52. Prague 10, Práčská, sector: between SVO no. 002 853 and SVO no. 002 843
53. Prague 10, Práčská, sector: from intersection with Aubrechtové to SVO no. 002 856
54. Prague 10, Švehlova, sector: from SVO no. 007 532 to house no. 15
55. Prague 10, Průběžná, sector: between houses no. 56 and no. 74
56. Prague 10, V Olšinách, sector: from house no. 75 to SVO no. 000 703
57. Prague 11, Výstavní, sector: between SVO no. 422 207 and SVO no. 422 230
58. Prague 11, Hviezdoslavova, sector: between houses no. 1599 and no. 1640
59. Prague 11, Květnového vítězství, sector: between houses no. 57 and no. 53
60. Prague 11, Ke Kateřinkám, sector: between houses no. 1412 and no. 1403
61. Prague 12, Generála Šišky, sector: from intersection with Dolnocholupická to intersection with Novodvorská
62. Prague 12, Lhotecká, sector: from intersection with U Kamýku to intersection with Čsl. Exilu
63. Prague 12, Novodvorská, sector: from intersection with Papírníkova to intersection with Písnická
64. Prague 12, Komořanská, sector: from intersection with K Vystrkovu to intersection with Na Šabatce
65. Prague 13, Jeremiášova, sector: from intersection with Červeňanského to intersection with Na Hvížďalce (Archeologická)
66. Prague 14, Broumarská, sector: from intersection with Za Rokytkou to intersection with Stupská
67. Prague 14, Jordánská, entire street
68. Prague 14, Budovatelská, sector: from intersection with K Viaduktu to intersection with Novopacká
69. Prague 21, Slavětínská, sector: from intersection with V Soudním to intersection with Lochenická,
70. Prague 21, Staroklánovická, sector: from intersection with Novosibřinská to intersection with Čentická
71. Prague 21, Rohožnická, sector: from intersection with Malešovská to intersection with Miletická
72. Prague 21, Starokolínská, sector: from 100m before intersection with Nadějovská to intersection with Onšovecká
73. Prague 21, K Dubči, sector: from intersection with Pod Jankovem to intersection with Solnická
74. Prague 21, Blešnovská, entire street
75. Prague 21, Šlechtitelská, entire street
76. Prague 15, Hornoměcholupská, sector: from intersection with Kunická to intersection with K Lesoparku
77. Prague 15, Starodubečská, sector: from intersection with Bezprašná to intersection with Za Pavilonem
78. Prague 15, Edisonova, sector: from intersection with Turínská (Dieslova, Galileova) to intersection with Hertzova
79. Prague 22, Do Lipan, sector: between houses no. 26 and no. 25
80. Prague 22, Květnového povstání, sector: from Park Holiday hotel to intersection with K Pitkovicům
81. Prague 5,6, Strahovský tunnel, in direction: Mrázovka tunnel, between 1150,3 m and 406,8 m
82. Prague 5,6, Strahovský tunnel, in direction: Patočkova, between 392,9 m and 1160 m
83. Prague 5,6, Mrázovka tunnel, in direction: Dobříšská, between 5055,3 m and 4591,3m
84. Prague 5,6, Mrázovka tunnel, in direction: Strahovský tunnel, between 4555,2 m and 5139,6 m
85. Prague 5, Dobříšská, in direction: Zlíchovský tunnel, between 3465 m and 2944 m
86. Prague 5, Dobříšská, in direction: Mrázovka tunnel, between 2935 m and 3459 m
87. Prague 8, Ústecká, in direction: from the city centre, between SVO no. 807348 and no. 807359
88. Prague 6, Bělohorská, in direction: from the city centre, between SVO no. 601600 and no. 601618
89. Prague 6, Evropská, in direction: to the city centre, between SVO no. 606695 and no. 606681
90. Prague 4, Podolské nábřeží, in direction: to the city centre, between SVO no. 400830 and no. 400039
91. Prague 10, Jižní spojka, in direction: Barrandovský bridge, between SVO no. 006349 and no. 006342
92. Prague 4, Jižní spojka, in direction: HK, between SVO no. 402881 and no. 402889
93. Prague 4, Jižní spojka, in direction: HK, between SVO no. 402888 and no. 403012
94. Prague 4, Jižní spojka, in direction: HK, between SVO no. 403012 and no. 403045
95. Prague 9, Poděbradská, in direction: to the city centre, between SVO no. 900445 and no. 900425
96. Prague 9, Poděbradská, in direction: from the city centre, between SVO no. 900426 a no. 900457
97. Prague 4, 5. května, in direction: to the city centre, between SVO no. 409911 and no. 409893
98. Prague 5, Strakonická, in direction: to the city centre, between SVO no. 515586 and no. 515573
99. Prague 6, Patočkova, in direction: to the city centre, between SVO no. 600759 and no. 600737
100. Prague 5, Dobříšská, Mrázovka tunnel, in direction: Strahovský tunnel, between 3459 m and 4555,2 m
101. Prague 4, Jižní spojka, in direction: 5. května, between SVO no. 403036 and no. 403019
102. Prague 8, V Holešovičkách, in direction: from the city centre, between SVO no. 802564 and no. 802597
103. Prague 6, Lipská, in direction: to the city centre, between SVO no. 606806 and no. 606800
104. Prague 6. Lipská, in direction: from the city centre, between SVO no. 606797 and no. 606803
105. Prague 9, Cínovecká, in direction: to the city centre to Liberecká, between SVO no. 806616 and no. 802548
106. Prague 4, Spořilovská, in direction: to the city centre, between SVO no. 415048 and no. 415030
107. Prague 6, Brusnický tunnel, in direction: Troja – Dejvický tunnel, between 16,942 km and 17,748 km
108. Prague 6, Dejvický tunnel, in direction: Troja – Bubenečský tunnel, between 18,12 km and 18,772 km
109. Prague 6, 7 Bubenečský tunnel, in direction: Troja, between 19,393 km and 21,701 km
110. Prague 7, 6 Bubenečský tunnel, in direction: Strahov – Dejvický tunnel, between 21,694 km and 19,418 km
111. Prague 6, Dejvický and Brusnický tunnel, in direction: Strahov, between 18,824 km and 18,178 km
112. Prague 6, Brusnický tunnel, in direction: Strahov, between 17,779 km and 16,967 km
113. Prague 6, Horoměřická, between SVO no. 608355 and no. 608363
114. Prague 10, U Vršovického hřbitova, in direction: to the city centre, between SVO no. 002 031 and no. 002 028
115. Prague 6, Libocká, between SVO no. 611 751 and no. 611 744
116. Prague 9, Průmyslová, in direction: Teplice, between SVO no. 908045 and no. 908012
117. Prague 9, Průmyslová, in direction: Brno, between SVO no. 908015 and no. 908048
118. Prague 5, K Barrandovu, in direction: from the city centre, between SVO no. 512156 and no. 512164
119. Prague 5, K Barrandovu, in direction: to the city centre, between SVO no. 512183 and no. 512178
120. Prague 6, Střešovická, in direction: to the city centre, between SVO no. 600309 and no. 600305
121. Prague 5, K Barrandovu (intersection with Lamačova x Slavínského), in direction: to the city centre, between SVO no. 512199 and no. 523581
122. Prague 2, Legerova (intersection with Rumunská), in direction: to the city centre, around the pedestrian crossing
123. Prague 2, Sokolská (intersection with Ječná), in direction: from the city centre, around the pedestrian crossing
124. Prague 6, Na Okraji, in direction: from the city centre, before the pedestrian corssing, between SVO no. 603618 and no. 603619
125. Prague 6, Šantrochova, in direction: to the city centre, before the pedestrian crossing at SVO no. 603496
126. Prague 6, Na Dlouhém lánu, in direction: from the city centre, before the pedestrian crossing at SVO no. 609250
127. Prague 4, Zálesí, in direction: Novodvorská, before the pedestrian crossing at SVO no. 412479
128. Prague 4, Zálesí, in direction: Jižní spojka, between SVO no. 412482 and no. 412478
129. Prague 4, Modřanská, in direction: to the city centre, between SVO no. 401743 and no. 401741 (public transport station)
130. Prague 4, Modřanská, in direction: from the city centre, at SVO no. 401732
1 - 80: Prague's "Bezpečná místa" event
81 - 112: sector speed measuring devices of the Offences Administration Unit
113 - 119: sector speed measuring devices used also as stationary speed measuring devices
120 - 130: stationary speed measuring devices of the Offences Administration Unit